
Sean Nós Dancing Workshop

Cois na hAbhna - Sat 3rd June 2.00pm

Michael Tubridy Traditional Old Style Step Dancing master will lead a workshop suitable for beginners and advanced at Cois na hAbhna on Saturday 3rd June at 2pm.

With support from Aibhín Holden, dance tutor from Corofin, and Noel Devery and Maureen O’Reilly who are well known tutors of Old Style Traditional step dancing, Michael will guide the class through a number of simple steps and on to some of the more advanced movements, beginning with a dance learned from Dan Furey who was born in 1910 and lived in Labasheeda. It is representative of the dances which were taught by the travelling dancing masters in the 19th and early 20th centuries. As such, the steps and the style precede the modern step dancing era and are easier to learn and perform, are more age friendly, and are more closely related to the music.

With the high level of enquiries for this workshop early booking is advised.


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